Interesting web designers resume template

Hi there,

today I am going to present you a really beautiful piece of creative, simple and single page resume template, which is probably most suitable for web designers, photographers or actually any technical/creative jobs in general. This depends on icon set, you would use.

This resume template is created in Adobe Photoshop so you can edit it in any way you’d like to. In example below you can see areas focused on your language skills, technical skills, previous job experience, education and of course contact information. If you are a fan of different social network channels, you can add them as well.

This resume template is designed as single-page one and it fits to A4 standard paper size format. File for download is really small – it has less than 2 Mb.

Web designers resume template preview



Download web designers resume template for free 

If you would like to visit authors website of this template here is the link.

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 Thank you for reading this article about web designers resume template and have a beautiful day.