Top 3 resume templates in September 2014

Good day dear friends and followers,

another month has passed and as in previous months, we would like to present you top 3 most visited templates on our page in month of September 2014. But in that month, it isn’t actually top 3 resume templates that we’ll present you but actually we will show 4 creative resume templates. The reason for this is quite simple. On the imaginary 3rd place, there were two templates, which were visited equally.

Also to give you an idea how we picked up this month winners, actually we used data from Google Analytics tool and in that month we had 518 unique users who went through 1187 of our posts. And those winners had view count range between 50 to 80 pageviews.

But enough talking and let’s get to the actual top 3 4 resume templates.

Top 3 resume templates in September 2014

Modren swiss style resume template

Winner for this month of this “top 3 resume contest” is this beautiful, simple and minimalistic resume template in “swiss” style. It is created in photoshop and ready for instant use.


Front-end (web) developer resume template

On a second place we have this web designer piece of resume which is also nice and simple and created in Photoshop as well.


Beautiful and simple curriculum vitae template


Simple Word resume template in different colors

As mentioned in in the beginning of the post, on third place we have two resumes. First one is created in Photoshop as well as the others before but quite interesting is that people are also looking for simple Word resumes.













So guys, what do you think about those top 3 resume examples ? Do you like them or you’ve noticed on our page some different ones? Please let us know your opinion on our Facebook or Twitter social media channels. Any kind of feedback is really appreciated.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful rest of the day.