Hello friends,
Today, we would like to describe you a multicolored singe page curriculum vitae template aka resume template created in 5 basic colors. This creative, simple and minimalistic resume template is created Adobe Photoshop, has a clean and single page design. Because it is created in .psd format, it is easily editable and highly customizable due to fully layered approach. As a example, it comes in 5 basic colors – green, red, orange, blue and dark blue.
But as mentioned, this single page curriculum vitae template is easily to work with, you can arrange, redesign or toy with is as much as you want. E.g. if you prefer different color set, by literary couple of clicks, you can easily change it or if you would prefer different section types, you can change it do it easily as well. It is really simple.
Single page curriculum vitae – green version preview
This single page curriculum vitae template is divided in couple of sections. In a header, you can insert quick call information like a cell phone number of e-mail. Than you can continue with your name and current position. If you would like to express bit more your contact details, you can do it by using information block on the right side of the template.
Then you can focus on your career summary of if you don’t like this heading, you can easily switch it to personal statement or something else. underneath this summary, there is enough place where you can describe your professional experience. Then you can move to skills and education. In a skills section, you can focus on professional skills and on your personal skills. In the education block, you can write your educational history or other courses or trainings as well. It is completely up to you.
Single page curriculum vitae – orange, red, blue and dark blue versions preview
Download this single page curriculum vitae in 5 basic colors freely
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So this is all for today. So what do you guys think? Share your opinion with us on our Twitter of Facebook page.
Thank you very much and have a wonderful rest of the day.