Here we are to present you today simple professional resume template example.It is beautiful and creative piece of resume created in Photoshop format and as always, this means that you can practically do, whatever you want with this résumé. The “tailoring” is pretty easy due to fully layered .psd file that is available for free download. So if you don’t like some parts of this example, you can easily change them to create a perfect resume.
Let’s get down to the business and talk bit more about the résumé itself. You can start with inserting your profile picture on the top. Next to there is a place for your full name and personal statement.
Underneath, lets say this header section, is are which is divided int two parts. Left part is used for your contact details also with your online profiles. Next part is used to describe professional skills, where you can put as many as skills you would like to. Then you can describe your language skills. To express you skills you can use a kind of a “progress bars”.
The bigger section is focused on your experience and educational background. Those two are logically divided from each other and you can easily describe what have you been doing and what you’ve studied in past. At the end of the document, if you’d like to, you can attach references obtained from your past colleagues, superiors, business partners and so on.
Simple professional resume template example preview
Download this simple professional resume template example for free
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Thank you very much for reading and have a great rest of the day.