Programmers resume template

Heaveno dear friends šŸ™‚ ,

Today is a day, when I’d like to present you a first resumeĀ template created not in Photoshop or any other graphical tool but in Microsoft Word. Because not only Photoshop templates can be good looking. Ā The particular example below is focusedĀ on IT area – namely programmers, but don’t worry, it is simple to edit it šŸ™‚

And because this resumeĀ is created in Word format, you can manage design of it in various ways. You can start with color scheme change and end up with changing areas, used for your personal information and skills. There is also space left for your own picture.

Based on amount of information that you would like to show to your HR interviewer, this resumeĀ templateĀ can beĀ either single page or multi-page. And by default it is set-up to fit on A4 paper size format.

So in couple of minutes spent working on this template, you can have nice and simple resume that you can send out to the outside world.

And because it is the file is in archive package and in .doc format, size is very small – less than 1 Mb.

Programmers resume template preview


Download programmers resume template

If you would like to visit authors website of this template here is theĀ link.