This professional resume sample is created in Photoshop .psd format and it can help you present yourself in a clean and professional way together with your portfolio. It is easily editable, fully layered but it is not immediately ready for print, because it is in quite long format, so you will have to “play” with this resume for a bit. Or if you would like to you this long form format, and you are skilled IT guy or web designer, you can use this professional resume sample as you online resume presentation.
Sample contains all the basic areas which can help you describe yourself, present your graphical/photographic or other kind of portfolio and has a section with contact information and links to your online profiles.
Professional resume sample preview
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If you would like to visit authors website of this template here is the link.
What do you guys think about this piece ? Would you use this one for your “paper” presentation or for your online professional profile or both ? And what do you think about this kind of a “long form” presentation ? Do you like it or rather prefer single page resumes ? Please let us know on our Facebook or Twitter channel.