Black and White designers resume template

This post promotes a black and white resume template featuring a clean, one-page design. It is easily editable in Photoshop, user-friendly, and includes spaces for personal details, a profile picture, and contact information. It utilizes Raleway and Bebas Neue fonts, special icons from Icon Finder, and is lightweight for quick downloading.

Fitness trainer curriculum vitae template

Today’s featured item is a versatile, Photoshop-designed curriculum vitae template primarily for fitness trainers but customizable for other professions like programmers or graphic designers. It includes sections for a photo, contact details, statements, work experience, and skills, fitting all on a single A4 page. Free download available.

Free Word resume templates ready for instant use

Ahoy friends and followers šŸ™‚ I have here aĀ simple and yet still interesting free word resume template set, which comes in six different colour variations. Those basic colours are black,…

man and woman near table

Cracking the Code: How to Research a Company and Industry for a Successful Interview

To prepare for a job interview, thoroughly research the company and industry. Start with the company’s website, read industry trends, check social media, network with employees, and prepare thoughtful questions. Demonstrating knowledge and expertise shows genuine interest, positioning you as a strong candidate and increasing your chances of getting the job.

Free word medical resume template

Today we have here a simple black and white word medicalĀ resume template designed in the famous word processor. It supposed to be a type of medical resume template where horizontal…

9 WinWord curriculum vitae templates

This post introduces a set of 9 unique curriculum vitae templates designed by to help job applicants stand out. Each Microsoft Word format template is customizable and ranges from simple one-page layouts to detailed multipage designs, aimed at improving resume presentation and increasing job prospects. Feedback is encouraged.

Single page curriculum vitae in 5 basic colors

A multicolored, single-page resume template available in green, red, orange, blue, and dark blue, designed using Adobe Photoshop. The .psd format allows easy editing and customization. Sections include contact info, career summary, professional experience, skills, and education. Users can download this template and share their feedback on Twitter or Facebook.

Secrets for the perfect LinkedIn summary

LinkedIn, with over 500 million members, is crucial for passive job searching and personal branding. Unlike resumes, LinkedIn profiles allow for a more conversational and authentic tone. Summaries should be engaging and rich in narrative, reflecting personal traits and passions to connect emotionally with hiring managers and recruiters, thus enhancing job opportunities.

Modern Swiss style resume template

A beautiful, modern, and minimalistic Swiss-style resume template is available for download in Photoshop .psd format. It is customizable, layered, and can fit on A4 paper. It features sections for contact information, work experience, education, skills, and achievements. Feedback and shares are appreciated to improve their site.

Nice and clean Black and White resume template

Hi folks, How are you doing today? We would like to show you really nice piece of interesting resume that comes in black and white colors. It is a simple black…

Clean and simple, single page resume template

How are you doing dear friends, We are about to present you today, clean and simple, single page resume template. And even though, in header of this article is used…

Resume, Networking and Interview Skills course

Hello everyone; I’ve found really nice resume, networking and interview skills course on edX website and I would like to share it with you. edX was founded by Harvard University…

cvmaker – handy online resume building tool

HiĀ friendsĀ and followers, today I would like to present you another online tool that will help you with creation of your CV called cvmaker. cvmakerĀ is free creative online tool that helps…

Simple Word resume template in different colors

Ahoy friends and followers šŸ™‚ I have here aĀ simple and yet still interesting word resume template set, which comes in six different color variations. Those basic colors are black, blue,…

the word online is spelled out with scrabble tiles

How to Build Your Online Presence for Your Job Search

Building your online presence for your job search means creating and updating your online profiles and content that showcase your skills, achievements, and personality. Here are some steps that you…