Another day, another presentation of a online resume generator tool. Let’s hope this online tool will help you, especially when you need your curriculum vitae done quickly.
onlinecv is simple and easy to use online resume generator created in Flash and it allows you to create your resume in couple of steps and at the end of the process, it will generate .pdf file for you. So it is pretty straight forward.
Online resume generator process preview
To help you to get successfully to the finish, handy guide is available during your resume creation process.
Only drawback of this online resume generator tool is that once you have your resume created and internet browser window (session) is closed, it isn’t stored anywhere and this means that you can’t edit anymore and you have to start from the scratch again :-/ . But is you want really quickly generated resume template, it is handy tool that will certainly help.
So what do you guys think about this tool? If you would need your curriculum have done pretty quickly, would you use this tool? Or you rather prefer different styles of resume templates? Maybe bit more graphical or creative? Please tell us your opinion via tweet or comment on our social media channels
Thank you for spending some time with us on our webpage and have a great rest of a day.