Mistakes to avoid during resume/cover letter creation

Your curriculum vitae can end up in trash can because of basic mistakes that you might not even realize.

In this post, I’d like to sum up some of those mistakes/reasons, why recruiter won’t even bother with reading whole your resume or cover letter.

Common mistakes while sending out resumes and cover letters:

  • A cover letter is usually demanded by most of the companies. And unfortunately sometimes happens, when people are trying to re-use their cover letter, they forgot to change the company name or title of the position. When this happens, it is almost certain, that your resume is thrown away :/
  • Also try to be careful what email address you’re using. It is always better to have your email in CV in name.lastname@provider.com then something like sexyguy@gmail.com. It is very unprofessional.
  • When CV or cover letter are containing misspellings or typos, it is considered as unprofessional as well. It will show your level of communication. Especially in era, where you have technologies that can check your grammatic while you are typing. So please be careful with that.
  • Your curriculum contains a list of positions that aren’t relevant for job, you are applying to. In these cases, it is always better to talk about your career in other areas in cover letter.
  • Another quite usual mistake is when you are trying to get to the position, where certain experience is needed and it is not mentioned in resume or cover letter. In these kind of cases, recruiter doesn’t have any need to contact you because in his/her eyes you are not fulfilling basic requirements.
  • There might be cases, when it seems like you might seem to overqualified and you don’t mention it in your cover letter. Recruiter than can get the opinion that you don’t know what are you trying to apply to.

Don’t forget that by your resume or cover letter you can impress your recruiter quite a lot so there isn’t much space for mistakes. And if you have any questions or comments, please let us know on our social media channels.