Free simple and clean résumé template design

Howdy-do dear friends and followers!

Here we have today to show you pretty interesting simple and clean résumé template design. This résumé template design is created in Adobe Photoshop and because it is fully layered file, this actually means it is pretty easy to work with. So in matter of minutes, you can have your professional resume template prepared and you can send it to HR people and they might be nicely surprised with resume template design like this.

So what do we actually have here? It is a single page resume template where is just enough space to fit all the important and necessary information. You can start with filling in your name in the header part of this résumé.

Then you can move to the important stuff. You can start with address, your language skills or soft skills in global, then you can move to a description of hard skills and in the same column, you can fit some basic information about what you like to do in your free time.

Second and bigger part of the résumé is focused on your professional skills and experience, where is plenty of space for description of your past roles. And when you are done with this part, you can start describing your educational history.  And that is actually all. Nice template, couple of information and your new resume template is ready to go to the outside world.

Simple and clean résumé template design preview



Download this simple and clean résumé template design

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