How to create a successful LinkedIn profile

How to create a successful LinkedIn profile

Would you like to be in a situation when work will find you by itself? It is quite simple and you only need to create successful LinkedIn profile. Profile on LinkedIn with a minimum of effort can quickly bring new job position. But to be successful, you should focus for a few things.

LinkedIn network is already huge help in finding a new jobs, but the vast majority of job seekers does not use it at all or only insufficiently. While doing so, the benefits of LinkedIn are really significant.



Nowadays it works like that when a company or agency needs to fill an empty position, recruiters often look at LinkedIn before they even publish the job advertisement. So having such a profile especially for highly specialized positions puts you permanently in scope of recruiters. But the very existence of the profile is not enough. To have a successful LinkedIn profile it is necessary to change a profile in such a form that was easy for recruiters to find.

The basic and successful LinkedIn profile should have a solid (maybe even professional) picture and contact information like e-mail, phone, but certainly not address including street, how it’s sometimes found in old-fashioned conceived biographies. Also nice to have is short summary of previous work experience and try to emphasize your biggest achievements or in what types of activities you excelled and in what could your superiors rely on. Whoever will read your profile, should immediately know what are your greatest strengths and what you can offer the employer.
To enhance the effect of successful LinkedIn profile also attach a note about where you would like in the future professionally directed: what position you would like to perform, in what industry worked or how you envision the best company that would become your employer.

To make successful LinkedIn profile, it is good to follow some basic rules:

  • First rule, to have a successful LinkedIn profile, is focused on completeness of your profile. Completed profile has better chance to be displayed in recruiter search results than incomplete one
  • Second rule is to use English language. There are over 7000 different languages but English is language that is used by international/multilingual companies or agencies
  • It is also important to use the right keywords. Proper keywords will help you climb up in the search results. Advice how to pick right ones is pretty simple – just use common sense 🙂
  • Also number of connections has a large role in the search ability of your profile. So it is good to combine current and former colleagues, business partners and clients and even recruiters or headhunters. You can even ask them for recommendation because positive recommendation is contributing to your greater credibility and attractiveness


So that would be the basic tips and tricks how to create a successful LinkedIn professional network profile. If you have any comments or remarks, please share them with us on our Facebook or Twitter page.

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