The biggest mistakes to avoid while creating your resume

Hi guys, we’d like tell you about couple of common resume mistakes, you’ve should avoid while creating your brand new CV. They are quite simple and you’ve probably already heard about them, but you still need to keep this small list in your mind.

List of the biggest resume mistakes to avoid while creating your resume

  • Spelling resume mistakes  – you have to be really careful and it is always good if somebody from your family or your friends will also have a look at your resume. Because “four eyes see more than two”. This is really important resume mistake to avoid,
  • You have a crazy picture – if you are a professional, you should have a professional picture. Photo from your summer or winter holiday isn’t exactly the best choice and it is quite big resume mistake as well,
  • You are hiding your contact detail – please remember, that your contact details must be nicely and clearly visible so e.g. if you have multi page resume you might consider to put your contact details in header or footer,
  • You are using an absurd email address – it is better to have in a format like name@whatever.xx instead of e.g.
  • Too “creative” template – if you are changing fonts in every other paragraph, using e.g. medical resume theme for IT job doesn’t help that much. Best to use is, of course, some of our resume templates, we’ve described on our website 🙂
  • Boring hobby – if you are writing down your hobbies, try to impress with them as well. Instead of travelling, write down you’ve did a trip around the world, instead of cooking, say your  specialty is e.g. wedding cakes or instead of running write that you like e.g. marathons. Because if you are bit more specific you can impress more than with some clichés

So guys, what do you think about resume mistakes to avoid tips? Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook or Twitter social media channels. Your feedback is really helpful to us.

Thank you