Tag Archives: single page

Programmers resume template

Heaveno dear friends 🙂 , Today is a day, when I’d like to present you a first resume template created not in Photoshop or any other graphical tool but in Microsoft…

Professional resume template design example

We are about to present you another beautiful piece of professional resume template design example. This beautiful and handy piece is created in Adobe Photoshop tool. This means that it…

Quite interesting Sky blue resume template

Hello everybody, Today I’m about to present you a simple, sky blue resume template created in Photoshop (.psd) format. It is designed as a one page curriculum template and according to…

Graduate student resume template

Salut dear followers ! Student resume template – holidays are almost over and resume suitable for students might be handy these days. So this piece of resume is focused on…

Creative professional curriculum vitae template

Howdy friends, today we will focus on a creative professional curriculum vitae template. Since this template is labeled with a keyword creative, it is indeed created in Adobe Photoshop tool….

Professional John Doe resume template

We are about to present you professional John Doe resume template example that is created in Adobe Illustrator tool. Because of that, it is easily manageable and to work with…

Free fashion designer resume template

Greetings friends, I have here another nice, interesting and simple and free fashion designer resume template, created in Word format and of course it is easily editable also in any…

Creative and handy artists resume template set

Good day friends, today, we have to show you really nice, creative and really interesting artists resume template set. This set is bit different than the earlier ones because this…

Top 3 resume templates in month of August 2014

Good day dear friends and followers, end of summer is approaching, holidays in most countries are coming to an end and graduate students (and of course not only them) started looking more…