livecareer – online resume generator

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to talk about bit different topic than templates by themselves but it is really closely related. I’d like to introduce you to a world of online resume generators. And first one is What also needs to be mentioned that this article isn’t some kind of a paid advertisement. I’ve just noticed this interesting site and wanted to tell you about it.

livecareer is not only a online resume generator but apart of that it can also help you to focus on cover letter which is usually demanded together with your resume. This tool is pretty straight forward where in couple of steps, you can easily create your résumé with use one of many pre-defined template layouts. At the end of the process, you will get nice .pdf file with your profile.

Examples preview of online resume generator templates


Apart of these two functionalities, site also offers you to create career test to help you find your dream job via their job finder and salary calculator suitable for your area.

So what do you guys think about generating your curriculum vitae by using online template generators ? Do you find them handy ? Or you rather use predefined templates and fill and modify them manually ?

Please tell us your opinion on our social network channels because any feedback is appreciated and help us a lot 🙂